August 22, 2008


VBS went ok. There wasn't as many people as usual so I didn't embarrass myself that much. Next Wednesday school starts. Am I excited? I don't know. I'm taking French this year, which is really cool. Next week is my birthday. Were not going to do anything on my birthday because my moms going to Texas for a few days, but the next week were going to combined mine and my dad's B-day and go to either Copper Mountain or Estess Park for a few days.

August 02, 2008


Starting Tusday were having VBS. The theam is "Quest for truth". And I can't say im excited cause Jill and I both have to lead the songs and the actions that go to them. Plus we have to help with the little kids.(thats not so bad) I've only learned like 3 of the songs and I think theres 6 so I have my work cut out for me.Thats all I have to say so BYE!!